Information and Instruction to authors
The Srujan: The Creativity Journal (SCJ)
- The Srujan: The Creativity Journal (SCJ)] is an endeavour to showcase creative excellence from Odisha and promote it worldwide. This will include Poetry, Short Stories, Paintings, Photography, Dance, Sculpting and any other creative outputs.
- It is an attempt to put together the choicest creative articles in Odia Literature and creativity in other artistic expressions linked to Odisha for an international readership; with an aim of propagating, promoting Odia literature and creativity worldwide.
- Articles of creative writing (poems, stories, paintings, sculpting, dance, photographs, and other art forms etc.) related to Odisha are included in this International Journal.
- It is designed to be a multilingual journal. Translations from different languages to Odia and from Odia to other languages (with written permissions from original copy right holder) are also accepted.
- Articles from authors connected to Odisha and writing in other languages are also welcome.
- Journal also encourages readers to suggest a good piece of creative writing or art of an author or creator to be included in this journal.
Instruction to authors
Type of articles
- Poems: please submit two to three poems at a time. Each poem should not be more than 40 lines.
- Stories: only one story at a time
- Painting: One or more paintings can be presented, along with a write up about the paintings, title, and theme, method of painting or about the painter. High quality JPEG files are needed.
- Photographs: Artistic photographs can be submitted, one or more at a time, along with a write up about them.Photographs of creative sculptures can also be submitted.Photographs should be in high resolution JPEG files.
- Photographs of dance / Dancer / with explanations
- Photographs of sculptures / sculpting
- Biography of famous creators in history: Article on a creative person, detailing their creative achievements, and background can be submitted with relevant photographs. These articles are expected to be no more than 500 words.
Publication Ethics:
- It is important that the authors need to adhere to the publication ethics. If plagiarism or any other unethical practice is brought the notice of the editorial board, a process will be followed and the article will be retracted and the readers will be informed. Readers are encouraged to report plagiarism or any unethical practice to the editorial board. Authors will remain responsible for any conflicts about their submission. Editorial board or the publishers will not have any liability.
Submission of articles
- Articles are submitted by email. [email protected] Communication regarding outcome of the article (acceptance or rejection) will be communicated in a reasonable time frame or within 3-6 months. The scope of additional communication is limited, considering that the project is supported by volunteers.
- Authors retain the copyright. The articles are published under suitable Creative Commons License. Authors can submit their articles published in the past, if they hold the copyright, or have written permission from the previous publisher to republish. In the latter case the authors need to provide the written permission from the original copyright holder.
Preparation of the manuscript
- Articles should be prepared in MS Word, any editable Font, 10pt size
- Check spellings, avoid objectionable content
- Save the file in your name and the type of article ( e.g. Ramnath Lenka – Poem)
- Page 1: Details
- Author photo: stamp size or small passport size
- Author name*
- Address: Current place of residence, State/Country*
- Author biography (50 words) Example style: Name Surname, Artistry, usual work, … etc. …],*
- Email*
- Phone (not to be published)
- Title of the article [in case of poems. Titles of up to 3 poems]
- Optional information -The details previous publication of submitted article: name of the magazine/newspaper where published, Year (date). If published earlier, please ensure that, if needed, you have authority to republish or have written permission from the original publisher / copyright holder to republish.
- Declaration: Please write the following while submitting.
- I confirm that it is my original article. I will be solely responsible for any dispute or copyright violation.
- Signature: Files sent from your email will be considered as your confirmation of the above. You may insert digital signature or type your name.
- Page 2 onwards: Content of the article starting with Title [No identifiable details in these pages, for peer review process]
- Title of the article and content
- Photographs for articles (paintings, photographs, sculptures etc.) should be given in high resolution JPEG files separately. File name should have the name of the author/contributor.
For further information please contact
Srujan Editorial Board: [email protected]
Quality of Life Research and Development Foundation (QoLReF), India: [email protected]
The Institute of Insight, UK: [email protected]