Invitation of Articles

This is an effort to put together a journal with the choicest creative articles in Odia Literature and creativity in other fields of artistic expressions linked to Odisha for an international readership; with an aim of propagating, promoting Odia literature and creativity worldwide.

Articles (‘poem, short story, art, and other creative forms’) are invited for the Srujan: The Creativity Journal. Please send your selected articles only. Submit one article at a time; for poems you can send up to 3 small poems. Do not send essays and critiques.

This is a multi-lingual journal accepting creative articles of translations from and to Odia from different languages; along with article from Odia people writing in other languages.

The journal will consider pre-published articles as well (you may have to acquire permission from the original publishers if they have such condition).

Selection of all the submitted articles is done by a peer group, except the invited ones.

Please refer to the ‘Instruction to authors’ for more information about submission. All the articles should be submitted in Word file, (preferably Kalinga font for Odia), author’s photo, address (place and state/country), bio in 50 words, email are essential. Submit to the email below.

The article should be the authors’ own creation. Authors will remain responsible for any conflicts about their submission. Editorial board or the publishers will not have any liability.

Looking forward to your submissions.

Thanks and Regards
Editorial Team, Srujan: the creativity Journal
[email protected]