

GeriCaRe (Geriatric Care and Research Organisation) is involved in the care of the elderly and research in various aspects relevant to old age with an overarching aim of improving the quality of life of older adults. It endeavours to provide evidence based information for caregivers, elderly and the health care professionals about age related issues and to support life-long-learning through educational programmes for professionals and carers.

Sharing knowledgebase and making the research evidence utilisable in the community are key focus areas of GeriCaRe. It conducts and supports various research and development projects in various disciplines including health, psychology, sociology and other allied fields. It prepares and distributes public-education materials.

Journal of Geriatric Care and Research (JGCR) is one of its flagship endeavours. The JGCR is free to readers and authors and is distributed worldwide. GeriCaRe has been the recipient of the Vayoshreshtha Samman, an Indian National Award in 2016 as the ‘Best Institution for Research in the Field of Ageing’, conferred by the President of India.