Quality of Life Research and Development Foundation (QoLReF)

Mission statement:

Improving Quality of Life through Evidence and Experience 

Quality of Life Research and Development Foundation (QoLReF) is a non-profit, scientific, apolitical, cultural and service oriented organization involved in improving Quality of Life through Evidence Based Methods.

The Foundation is a conglomerate of various disciplines involved in research and developmental activities to improve the ‘Quality of Life’. It brings together the scientific and socio-cultural understandings to the awareness and utility of the general public.

Experts from various disciplines contribute their experience and expertise to highlight the methods to improve quality of life. The Foundation, through the principles of Public Education helps in sharing these knowledge and experience.

Quality of Life Research and Development Foundation has chosen ten focused areas known to have potentiality to influence quality of life to spearhead its activity. The areas are: health, education, creativity, economics, working-life, environment, societal milieu, culture, science and technology, and research.

Resource Persons: Individuals and can join QoLReF as Resource Persons and support the objectives and activities of the Foundation. There are various ways one can be resourceful:

  • Conduct research, participate in projects and share the results on various subjects in your chosen field for greater understanding of the factors that influence the life
  • Share the recent advancements in your field that are relevant for improvement of life.
  • Help in developing various public education materials or modules on different subjects
    Contribute to the publications of the Foundation by submission, editing, reviewing, and supporting the process.
  • Help in dissemination of information on improvement of quality of life by organizing talks, workshops and competitions
  • Financial support through donation or conducting projects and research